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The Agri-Business Committee is in place to promote the relationship between agriculture and business in the Willmar Lakes Area and provide partnership opportunities to advance communication and awareness.

An extension of our public policy efforts, the Agri-Business committee serves as a collective voice of businesses and leaders representing agriculture as a key industry in the Kandiyohi County and the surrounding region, advocating at all levels of government and spreading awareness of its impact throughout the region.

#1 Priority: Continue to be involved in the Ag community and have a visible presence.

Additional Goals:

  1. Raise awareness of agriculture and contribution to the community – keep abreast of issues affecting the Ag economy.
  2. Continue to grow the Aggie Open Golf tournament.
  3. Continue to sponsor the Fifth Grade Ag Tours (May) and Fall Ag Tour (September/October).
  4. Continue to offer two $1,000 Ag-related Ridgewater scholarships.
  5. Continue to participate in Build a Burger (June).

Current Committee Members

Craig Popp, Chair

Open, Vice Chair

Matt Schrupp, Board Liaison

Jami Tanner, Staff Liaison

Andy VanDerBill, Josh Meyer, Todd Ahrenholz, Kristine Fladeboe-Duininck, Kent Gjerde, Chad Willis, Krista Willis, Andy Zuidema, Larry Stulen, JoAnn Gratz, Dan Lippert, Cory Ahrens, Christian Ochsendorf, Lyndsay Ampe, Tamara Howe, and Jessica Carlson.




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