The Grow Minnesota! Partnership is Minnesota’s premier private-sector-led business retention and assistance program. The partnership of more than 90 local chambers and economic development organizations work to spur business growth throughout the state. They conduct confidential, comprehensive one-on-one site visits with nearly a thousand businesses each year, tracking on-the-ground business conditions, collecting data on what it takes for businesses to stay and grow in Minnesota, and identifying areas where they can provide solutions to business concerns. They also develop impactful initiatives to address our state’s most pressing business challenges, helping businesses understand how to stay and grow in their community.
VALUE – For Local Businesses Visited:
- Timely assistance to solve problems related to doing business in Minnesota.
- Identify potential Minnesota customers and/or suppliers.
- Opportunity to share business issues with peers in a confidential environment.
VALUE – For Grow Minnesota! Volunteers:
- Build business relationships.
- Better knowledge and understanding of local industries.
- Share business expertise and best practices.
VALUE – For Grow Minnesota! Partners:
- Recognition as the local “go-to” for business assistance.
- Gain valuable “intel” on local companies.
- Positive exposure to nonmember companies or new businesses.
VALUE – For Communities:
- Local jobs grow thanks to a comprehensive business retention and assistance program.
- Business retention visit results help guide local strategy for growing jobs.
VALUE – For Businesses Statewide:
- Policy makers have current statewide information on business change and growth.
- More Minnesota businesses have more Minnesota customers and suppliers.
- Jobs stay and grow here because business assistance is more available.
Does your business have concerns or challenges that you would like help with? Contact the Chamber to schedule a Grow Minnesota! visit.